International and European Procedural Law
Academic Teachers
Kourtis V.
Assistant Professor
Apalagaki Ch.
Description and Content
The objective of International and European Procedural Law is to present the process of resolving private disputes which include foreign elements. The course mainly attempts to address fundamental questions concerning the country whose courts have jurisdiction to resolve private disputes, the applicable in every case law and the possibility of recognizing and enforcing foreign judgments in Greece. The teaching of the course is based on the provisions of both domestic and public international law, including the procedural law rules deriving from international conventions or the directly applicable European Union Regulations (e.g. Regulation 44/2001, Regulation 1215/2012 “on jurisdiction and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters”). Taking into account the international cooperation of States in certain legal sectors, the course also covers issues pertaining to the international service of documents (e.g. Regulation on the service of judicial and out-of-court documents in civil and commercial matters in the member States).