EU Data Protection and ICT Law
Academic Teachers
Iglezakis Ioannis
Description and Content
The aim of the course is to provide students with the necessary theoretical knowledge of EU law pertaining on the issue of personal data protection and its practical application. It will provide them with comprehensive knowledge of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Directive 2016/680, Directive 2002/858 (e-Privacy), as it has been amended, and other EU legal rules governing data protection.
The course examines basic concepts concerning data protection on the basis of a theoretical analysis of privacy in the 21st century, particularly in view of the exceptional circumstances that arose within the context of the recent Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, more specified issues will be addressed, including, but not limited to, the protection of digital rights, the role and responsibilities of the Data Protection Officer (DPO), the implementation of the principle of accountability, the one-stop-shop, the coherence mechanism, the powers of data protection authorities to implement the provisions, the role of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB), international data transfers, etc.
This course also examines the legal aspects of the creation of the Digital Union in the EU. In particular, the European Telecommunications and Electronic Commerce Law and the EU’s space policy in the field of communications are studied.